16 October, 2015

BURN2 2015: Carnival of Mirrors [Press Day]

It's time once again to make the annual trek to the Virtual Playa in Second Life for Burn2.
This year’s theme, Carnival of Mirrors, is about mirrors and masks, mazes and merger. It will be a kind of magic show that takes the form of an old-­fashioned carnival. This Carnival of Mirrors asks three essential questions: within our media­-saturated world, where products and people, consumption and communion morph into an endlessly diverting spectacle, who is the trickster, who is being tricked, and how might we discover who we really are?
The Event Calendar is essential. Teleport here.
my landing, hot noon and color surrounds me already

Classic carnivals, as theaters of illusion, upheld a very strict dividing line that separated carnies, cast as showmen, from members of a naïve public who were labeled chumps and suckers, marks and rubes. Our carnival, however, will perform an even more subversive trick — its motto is Include the Rube. The wall dividing the observer from observed will disappear, as by an act of magic; through the alchemy of interaction, everyone at once can be the carny and the fool.

BURN2 is the virtual extension of the Burning Man festival and community into the world of Second Life. It spreads Burning Culture and the Burning Man Ten Principles all year round.  BURN2 is one Burning Man regional, out of more than 100 first world Regional groups

Confronting The Man
Dreaming on a cushion at his feet, here's my view

 I went for my sneak peek with the rest of the press today so hopefully these photos give you a little taste to whet your appetite to visit, explore and wander. But here is no way photos or even video can capture the merry-go round experience that engulfs and whisks you away you once you step onto the Playa. It is a being and feeling, maybe also a a doing but not really a showing kind of thing. My mother and some of my RL friends attend Burning Man and their interest piqued my virtual interest so I have been attending Burn2 in SL for several years.

Is that I distant calliope I hear? Wake up, let's go!
 More photos and impression here and on my Flickr  as I visit in upcoming days!

Want more information? Check out these resources:
Website: http://burn2.org
Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/groups/burn2/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BURN2BURNER
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/BURN2BURNERS
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Burn2.SL/
Regional Page: http://regionals.burningman.com/regionals/cyberspace/second-life/
Communications: communications@burn2.org
Steering Committee: steering@burn2.org
BURNING MAN Regional Contact: secondlife@burningman.com

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