04 June, 2017

At the CocoaJava Cafe on Saturday Night in New Babbage...

On Saturday nights at 6:30 PM SLT, people gather and take turns with stories over the course of a pleasant hour at the CocoaJava Cafe to see if they can out-drink, out tell and also keep Miss CeeJay Writer from reading her own work. They do not always succeed but tonight they did! Or....thought they did...with 2:35 left on the clock Miss Writer whipped out a 2.5-page scene from Down the Tubes and unleashed it on us!
This round, Nika Thought-werk, Ceejay Writer, Jimmy Branagh, Emerson Lighthouse, Vernden Jervil, Jedburgh Dagger and myself were in attendance.

Tonight the stories were in a text form with a lively background of music from Radio Riel Reverie but I have offered to read for Miss Thought-werk so that may be on the plate for a Saturday in the near future! :)

These and more interesting events of all sorts, fine friendly people and many more colorful characters in New Babbage may be found in the City proper (and environs improper but not too much so, please and thank you) on any given day or evening or you may peruse the Babbage Aetheric Reader for news and event listings. Keep up with events inworld by joining the Steampunks of New Babbage group. Simply paste this snippet of arcane code into your SL Viewer:

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